'Just start'

This is a big moment for me, my very first official blog post! Firstly, thank you for taking the time to visit my site and for reading this. I am and will continue to be extremely grateful to everyone who does this. So, here’s a little bit of background info.

In 2015 I decided to finally scratch an itch that I’ve had for many years and return to college and get a journalism qualification. Before, throughout and since that course, I’ve been told and encouraged by many people to start a blog. I've lost count of the amount of times I've heard the words 'just start.' So here it finally is!

There are many fascinating and life-changing events taking place globally and at home in Ireland, so there seems to be plenty to discuss, digest and reflect upon. If you’re somebody who enjoys reading considerate think-pieces about such world events and issues then perhaps you could drop me an email and I’ll send you on a list of my favourite writers and sites…..I’m kind of hoping you’ll click on here every once in a while too though!

As a teacher I’m obviously very interested in education and everything related to that. Other topics I love to read and write about are varied; sport, politics, fashion, feminism and everything in between.

On a personal level, as well as readership, I’m hoping for some laser eye surgery, to own a Tesla, for studies to prove that Nutella doesn’t cause cancer, and some bodily autonomy wouldn’t go astray either. #repeal

Chat soon,

Eimear Brady

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